Training for Child Care Providers
All child care providers must complete training every year. Training requirements depend on the type of provider you are and your role in the program. However, there are general training requirements for all SC Child Care Providers to complete.
ABC Quality Requirements
Training Requirements
Click below for more information on the Health and Safety Pre-Service Certificate
Health and Safety Pre-Service Certificate
Register for a Health & Safety Training
Pediatric First Aid, CPR & AED
For ABC Quality participating programs, all staff are required to complete Pediatric First Aid, CPR & AED training. The training must be provided by a recognized health professional and include a hands-on component. Pediatric First Aid, CPR & AED training cannot be taken online. The National Safety Council Southeastern Chapter provides FREE certification courses to all employees enrolled in ABC Quality.
Child Care Licensing Requirements by Provider Type & Role
Child Care Center Staff
Hours required: At least 15 clock hours of training annually for any staff person providing direct care to children. Caregivers who receive training in excess of the 15 hours per year may carry over 5 hours to the following year in the category earned.
- The hours shall come from at least 3 of the following topic areas: Child and growth development; curriculum; child guidance; health and safety; nutrition; special needs; professional development; program administration; or other areas approved by the Department, excluding pediatric first aid and CPR training.
- Blood-borne pathogens training is required by OSHA.
- When children with special needs are enrolled, staff should receive orientation or training to understand the child’s special needs and how to work in group settings when children with special needs are enrolled.
Child Care Center Directors
Hours Required: Directors must receive a minimum of 20 hours of training per year. Directors who receive training in excess of 20 hours per year may carry over 10 hours to the following year in the category earned.
- 5 hours must be related to program administration.
- 5 hours must be in child growth and development, early childhood education and/or health and safety excluding pediatric first aid and CPR training.
- The remaining hours shall come from the following areas: Curriculum, Nutrition, Special Needs, Child Guidance, Professional Development, or other areas approved by the Department, and must include blood-borne pathogens training as required by OSHA.
- When children with special needs are enrolled, the director must receive orientation or training to understand the child’s special needs and how to work in group settings when children with special needs are enrolled.
Group Child Care Home Staff
Hours required: At least 10 clock hours of training each year.
- 4 hours must be in child growth and development.
- 4 hours must be in curriculum activities for children excluding pediatric first aid and CPR training.
- Remaining hours should come from Guidance, Health, Safety, Nutrition or Professional Development and must include blood borne pathogen training as required by OSHA.
Group Child Care Home Operators
Hours required: At least 15 clock hours of training each year.
- 5 hours must be related to program administration.
- 5 hours must be in child growth and development, early childhood education or health and safety excluding pediatric first aid and CPR training.
- Remaining hours should come from Safety, Health, Nutrition, Guidance or Professional Development and must include bloodborne pathogen training as required by OSHA.
Family Child Care Home Operators, Staff and Household Members
Hours required: At least 10 clock hours of training each year.
Courses can cover safe sleep; prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS); blood-borne pathogens; prevention of abusive head trauma; and child maltreatment to include mandated child abuse and neglect reporting training.
Churches and Religious Entity Staff
Hours required: At least 15 clock hours annually for any staff person providing direct care to children. The hours shall come from the topics below.
- 5 hours must be in child growth and development.
- 5 hours must be in curriculum activities for children excluding pediatric first aid and CPR training.
- Remaining hours may come from, but not be limited to, the following areas: Curriculum Activities, Nutrition, Guidance, or Professional Development and must include blood-borne pathogens training as required by OSHA.
- When children with special needs are enrolled, staff should receive orientation or training to understand the child’s special needs and how to work in group settings when children with special needs are enrolled.
Churches and Religious Entity Directors
Hours required: At least 20 clock hours of training annually. The hours shall come from the following areas below.
- 5 hours must be related to program administration.
- 5 hours must be in child growth and development, early childhood education and/or health and safety excluding pediatric first aid and CPR training.
- Remaining hours may come from, but not be limited to, the following areas: Safety, Health, Nutrition, Guidance, or Professional Development and must include blood-borne pathogens training as required by OSHA.
- When children with special needs are enrolled, the director must receive orientation or training to understand the child’s special needs and how to work in group settings when children with special needs are enrolled.
Ongoing Career Development
SC Endeavors
SC Endeavors promotes professional development and supports education for the people who care for and educate our state’s children.
To get credit for training to meet your annual requirements, that training must be registered or certified by SC Endeavors.
SC Endeavors provides support that helps child care providers further their education, including:
- An online calendar of certified child care training offered across the state
- Scholarships for teachers, directors, owners and family/group providers to complete coursework in early childhood education through TEACH Early Childhood ® South Carolina
- Credit transfer agreements with technical colleges and universities to increase opportunities for early childhood professionals to earn four-year degrees
- Use the Career Ladder to take the next step in achieving a level
- Grants that fund early childhood classes at 16 technical colleges
SC Endeavors also maintains high levels of training quality statewide by:
- Operating the SC Early Care and Education Credentialing System
- Administering the S.C. Child Care Training System, a registry for child care training hours
- Facilitating the SC Early Care and Education Technical Assistance System to certify people providing technical assistance to early childhood educators
- Registering or certifying all child care trainers and training in the state
- Sponsoring Train the Trainer sessions so the state’s early childhood and child care trainers can learn from nationally recognized experts