Why is Child Care Licensing Important?
Licensing sets standards to promote the health and safety of children receiving care. All South Carolina child care programs are required to be one of the following: licensed, registered, approved, or legally exempt. Child care providers must be licensed if they:
- Operate 4 or more hours a day
- Operate more than 2 days a week
- Care for children in your home and you care for more than 1 family not related to you
Types of Care:
All South Carolina child care programs are required to be one of the following: licensed, registered, approved, or legally exempt. Requirements are determined by provider type.
The state defines four types of child care:
- Child Care Center—A center that is licensed for 13 or more children can be commercial, faith-based, or school-based.
- Group Child Care Home—A facility within a residence occupied by the operator that cares for 7 to 12 children; The number includes those living in the residence and children who are related to the operator, must be licensed.
- Family Child Care Home—A facility within a residence occupied by the operator that cares for no more than 6 children; The number includes those living in the residence and children who are related to the operator; Family Child Care Centers must be registered, but may choose to be licensed.
- Legally-Exempt Operations—Child care center-based programs open less than 4 hours a day and/or open on school holidays; Not allowed for Family Child Care Homes or Group Child Care Homes.
NOTE: Many parents rely on family members, friends, or neighbors who provide care. These types of care are not registered or licensed but are regulated.
How SC Licensing Works
Licensing is managed by the SC Division of Early Care and Education at the SC Department of Social Services (SCDSS). Child Care Licensing regulates approximately 2,400 child care providers, through four regional offices. There are several key functions that build safe, healthy environments for children:
1. Inspections: These help to ensure that providers comply with state laws and regulations through a yearly unannounced inspection. Additionally, a fire and health safety inspection is conducted for all licensed child care providers.
2. State and Federal Comprehensive Background Checks: As required by state law, federal and state background checks must be conducted on all child care staff members who work in child care facilities. More information on background checks can be found at scchildcare.org/providers/in-state-background-check-requirements. Required background checks include:
- SC Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry & Database checks and out of state Abuse and Neglect checks if child care staff lived out of SC in the past 5 years.
- For all center-based care, licensed, registered, and legally exempt
- Licensed and registered home child care facilities
- Family, Friend, and Neighbor checks for providers enrolled in the SC Scholarship Program
- In-state and National Sex Offender Database checks for all child care facility types, to include legally exempt child care facilities
- State and Federal fingerprinting for all child care facility types, to include legally exempt child care facilities
The State of South Carolina uses a digital fingerprint service. Find the complete information at sc.state.identogo.com.
3. Investigations: Child Care Licensing investigates complaints against regulated facilities and reports of facilities or individuals operating without a license or registration.
4. Regulation: A state Advisory Committee is responsible for reviewing the regulations regarding their improvement.
Staff to Child Ratios:
The following staffing ratios apply at all times children are present on the premises at a child care center and during activities away from the center.
Age Staff-to-Child Ratios
Birth to one year 1:5
One to two years 1:6
Two to three years 1:8
Three to four years 1:12
Four to five years 1:17
Five to six years 1:20
Six to twelve years 1:23
How to Apply
How to Become a Licensed Child Care Provider:
Step 1. Attend Orientation. The applicant will receive an application packet prior to orientation that will have all the required forms needed to apply. In addition, they will be able to ask any questions related to the process and provided resources specific to the county/town where the facility may be located. The applicant should review the date and times of orientation meetings available, on our website and call the Region that will monitor their location at the telephone number assigned to their specific regional office at New Applicant Orientation - SC Child Care Services to attend orientation.
Step 2. Submit architectural plans to the Chief Fire Marshal at DSS Child Care Licensing Central Office:
SC Department of Social Services
Child Care Licensing Attn: Chief Fire Marshal
P.O. Box 1520
Columbia, SC 29202-1520
Step 3. After attending orientation and the architectural plans have been approved by the Chief Fire Marshal at Child Care Licensing, the applicant must submit the Zoning Approval letter or form, the application to apply and the fire and health inspection request to the local the Child Care Licensing Regional Office that will monitor the location of the child care facility.
Step 4. Once the above items have been submitted to Child Care Licensing, they will be assigned a Licensing Specialist and must complete the additional required documents located in the application packet. Those items should be completed and submitted for Child Care Licensing review.
Step 5. Once the application has been reviewed, the Fire and Health Inspector and Child Care Licensing will contact them for an inspection visit. If everything meets the regulatory requirements, their case will be submitted for approval. When approved, a provisional license will be issued.
Step 6. After the provisional license has been issued and the child care facility has operated with 13 or more children enrolled for at least 45 days, Child Care Licensing will re-visit to complete their full evaluation. If no deficiencies, the application will be submitted for a regular license.
- 1081 - Non-Criminal Justice Applicant Privacy Rights Notification
- 1083 - Privacy Act Statement
- 1706 - Criminal Background Check Questionnaire
- 2900 - General Record and Statement of Child’s Health for Admission to Child Care Facility
- 2901 - Staff Medical Statement
- 2902 - Application to Operate a Child Care Facility
- 2905 - Health-Fire Inspection Request
- 2908 - Reference Release Statement - Registered FCCH's Only
- 2909 - Consumer Parent Statement
- 2922 - Original or Renewal Registration of Family Child Care Home – Registered FCCH’s Only
- 2924 - Consent to Release – Central Registry
- 2925 - Director/Staff Evidence of Non-Conviction and Statement of Compliance
- 2926 - Staff Health Assessment
- 2927 - Household Member List
- 2930 - Authorization for Intervention, Therapy and Extracurricular Activities
- 2944 - Original or Continuing Registration Study for a Facility Operated by a Religious Body or Group
- 2945 - Current Child Care Facility List of Children – Faith-Based Facilities
- 2963 - Current Child Care Facility List of Children – Centers
- 2964 - Current Child Care Facility Staff/Caregiver Checklist
Related Documents & Links
Quick Links
Reporting Child Abuse
Director/Staff Training
Public Playground Safety Handbook (Consumer Product Safety Commission)
Family Child Care Home Guide To Success
List of Animals - Rodents
Safe Sleep Video
Abusive Head Trauma Video
Requirements for Policies and Checklist
Child Care Center Checklist
Family Child Care Home Checklist
Group Child Care Home Checklist
Registered Faith-Based Checklist
Transportation File Requirements
Inspection Forms for Child Care Facilities
Child Care Inspection Form **NEW**
GCCH Inspection Form **NEW**
Registered Faith-Based Inspection Form
FCCH Inspection Form **NEW**
State Applicant Fingerprint Electronic Processing Services (SAFE) Form
SC Escrow Account Application for State Applicant Fingerprint Electronic Processing Services (SAFE)
Sample Exposure Control and Hazard Communications Plans
OSHA Model Plans and Programs - Bloodborne Pathogens and Hazard Communications Standards
Sample Plan-Template 1
Sample Plan-Template 2
Sample Plan-Template 3
Sample Plan-Template 4
Contact Information
Cynthia Lara, Director
Child Care Licensing
(803) 898-9024
Child Care Licensing Central Office
Central Office: (803) 898-9020
Toll-Free: (800) 556-7445
Fax: (803) 898-9029
SC Office of State Fire Marshal
141 Monticello Trail
Columbia, SC 29203
Tel: (803) 896-9800
Hours: 08:30 am - 5:00 pm, Monday
To view contact information for Child Care Licensing Regional Office select your county below.