February 12, 2024
SC Endeavors launches SC BOO$T
SC Endeavors is excited to announce the launch of SC BOO$T, a pilot program that provides wage bonuses directly to child care professionals in South Carolina. The pilot program was created in response to data indicating low wages for the early childhood workforce, which has a direct impact on turnover and providing high-quality environments for children and families.
SC BOO$T is open to individuals who work in a DSS-regulated program, have been employed within the same program for six months or more, and are in a direct care position. To be eligible, applicants must have verified employment within the SC Endeavors Registry, current Career Ladder level, and must complete the salary/wage information in the registry. Direct care staff must earn $24 per hour or less, while directors or family/group providers need to earn no more than $30 per hour.
Eligible position titles include teacher, assistant director, assistant teacher, co-director, director, floater, non-teaching professional staff, non-teaching support staff, primary care provider, aide, curriculum coordinator, and education coordinator. However, substitute, volunteer, and intern positions do not qualify.
The State of South Carolina is using federal ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Supplemental funds for this one-time pilot project as allowed under federal guidelines. Data obtained from this one-time benefit could be used in potential program development and future funding requests to the SC General Assembly.
Professionals can apply on the SC Endeavors Registry. For questions, contact SCEndeavors@dss.sc.gov.